  • Gas Fireplaces

    • Does my gas fireplace need yearly service?
      Yes, all manufacturers of gas fireplaces recommend regular maintenance to ensure safe and efficient operation. Your warranty may require maintenance. Sundance Energy is proud to offer tune and service on all makes and models of decorative gas heating fireplaces. Our trained service technicians will help you keep your gas fireplace one of your best home investments. Call us today at (425) 414-8015 to arrange a convenient time (weekend appointments available).
    • Heat-n-glo Pilot lighting Instruction
    • Can I shut my gas fireplace pilot off in the summer?
      You can turn the pilot off when you won’t be using your appliance for an extended period of time, and then use our on-line instructions to relight the pilot when needed.
    • Kozy Heat Pilot lighting Instruction
    • How do I light my gas fireplace pilot?

      How to light your fireplace pilot light depends on the type of gas fireplace you have. Click one of the manufacturers below to see step-by-step instructions.

    • Napoleon Pilot lighting Instruction
  • Air Conditioning

    • What is R-410A?
      R-410A is the common name for an emerging hydro-fluorocarbon (HFC) that is being used as a refrigerant in the HVAC industry. At the beginning of 2010, HVAC manufacturers will be required to use a refrigerant other R-22 in their products. R-410A is more environmentally friendly than R-22 and is seen by the industry as the most likely replacement for R-22.
    • What is Freon or R-22?
      R-22 is the common name for hydro-chlorofluorocarbon (HCFC). R-22 has been used as a refrigerant by HVAC manufacturers for over 40 years, but studies in the past decade have shown that the chlorine in HCFCs contribute to ozone depletion. For this reason, the United States Clean Air Act has set a target date for January 1, 2010, on which HVAC manufacturers must cease the manufacture of products that use R-22.
    • What can I do to control the humidity levels in my home?
      Humidity levels can be reduced by installing a variable-speed air handling system in your home. Variable-speed units run longer and at lower speeds, allowing air to constantly circulate against the cooling coil and remove more moisture. Variable-speed motors also use less electricity than regular motors, reducing your energy costs.
    • What can I do before calling someone to service my system?

      Professional service calls can be costly, but there are some things you can do before hiring a professional to inspect your system:

      • Disconnect your indoor and outdoor switches.
      • Make sure your circuit breakers are in the ON position.
      • Make sure your filters are clean.
      • Open supply and return vents and make sure they are unobstructed.
      • Double check both indoor and outdoor disconnect switches.
      • Check the settings on your thermostat.
        • Make sure the system switch is on the appropriate COOL or HEAT setting.
        • Have the FAN switch on for a continuous vent
    • What is a heat pump?
      A heat pump is a device used for both the heating or cooling of a space by transferring hot and cold between two reservoirs. A heat pump can act like an air conditioner, transferring heat from inside to out, or like a heater as it transfers exterior heat to the interior. A winter day with a temperature of 32º Fahrenheit still produces enough heat to warm a space when the air is transferred by heat pump.
    • How long will my heating and air conditioning system last?
      Maintenance and service play a key role in the lifecycle of a heating or air conditioning system. If all recommended maintenance and service actions are taken, it is believed that an air conditioner should last 12-15 years and a gas furnace should last from 20 to 25 years.
    • What happens when I replace my old system?
      To install the most efficient HVAC system in your household, your installation contractor should first perform a detailed inspection. The inspection by your contractor should include, as a minimum, the inspection of your home’s ductwork, insulation, refrigerant piping, electrical service, wiring, thermostat, condensate piping, flue piping, flue terminations, chimney liner, slabs, filter, driers, registers, grills, drain pans and evaporator coil.
    • What goes into installing a new system?
      Installing a new system is similar to installing an old system. Most of the items listed below in “What happens when I replace my old system?” will also be installed with a new system. Beyond equipment, the most important component installed with a new system is the ductwork.
      Ductwork is composed of two parts, supply and return. Supply duct is attached to the outflow of the new system, delivering air to each zone in a home. The amount of air reaching each zone is determined by the size of supply ductwork connecting it to your system. Your dealer will help you determine the size of all the supply ductwork in your home. The second part of the ductwork, the return duct, attaches to the inlet of the new system and draws air out of the spaces to be heated or cooled. Attached to the return duct is the filter. The filter should be placed as near to the furnace or air handler as possible. Ductwork can be either fiberglass or metal and must be properly sized in order to evenly distribute the proper amount of air to each room.
    • How do I determine the size, or capacity, of my HVAC system?
      Factors affecting the size of your new system include the climate in your region, humidity levels, the number of windows in your dwelling, total square footage of your home, the direction your home faces, the number of heat-producing appliances in your home, the type of insulation you have and the number of people that live in your residence. Making sure that you have an HVAC system that is the correct size for your home is very important. An Amana brand dealer can perform the proper calculations to determine the correct heating or cooling unit size for your home and lifestyle.
    • How can I find the system that’s right for me?
      There are many heating and air conditioning systems to choose from today. By contacting SUNDANCE Energy who specializes in all brands & products, you have access to a vast degree of heating and air conditioning knowledge and experience to help you decide on the system that best fits your specific needs. The size and age of your home, number of rooms in your home, climate, locale, regional utility costs, degree days and utility incentive rebate programs are all factors to be considered when selecting a new system. SUNDANCE Energy utilizes the latest technology and will discuss all of these factors with you when assisting you in choosing the best system for your home.
      Consumers seeking to replace an existing system often choose a new unit with equal or higher efficiency ratings as compared to their previous system. Replacing a unit that is greater than 10 to 15 years old may reduce natural gas or electricity costs from 30 to 50%.
      Contacting SUNDANCE Energy can help you to define your initial cost, warranty protection, service options, maintenance options and operating cost. Once you have chosen a system, it is important to remember that proper installation is a major factor in maximizing its operating efficiency and your comfort level.
  • Heating

    • What is HSPF?
      HSPF is the abbreviation for the Heating Seasonal Performance Factor. This factor rates the efficient operation of the heating portion of the heat pump. As the HSPF increases, the unit functions at a more efficient level. New units in the United States have HSPF ratings from 7.0 to 9.4.
    • What is AFUE?
      AFUE is the abbreviation for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency ratio. AFUE is used to rate furnace efficiencies by dividing the ratio of heat output by heat input. This measurement describes how efficiently fuel, gas or oil is consumed to produce heat by a furnace. As the AFUE rate increases, the efficiency of your furnace also increases, lowering your fuel costs. Furnaces manufactured in the United States are required to have at least an 80% AFUE.